Southmoor Attendance Policies
09/13/24, 10:37 AM
Dear Southmoor Families,
One criteria of a student’s success in school is regular and punctual attendance. Frequent absences and tardies may lead to poor academic work and lack of social development. Regular attendance is of utmost importance and is required by Colorado state law. However, we understand that some absences are unavoidable.
If your child must miss a day of school, please use at least one of the below procedures to report an absence in order for it to be considered for excusal:
Call the Southmoor attendance line at 720-424-3954 and leave a message
Email Ms. Gaby directly at
Send Ms. Gaby a message on Reachwell
Report the absence through the DPS Parent Portal
An excused absence requires approval by both the parent/guardian and the school. In some cases, documentation from the parent may be required so that the school can excuse an absence. If you do not report the absence by one of the methods above, the absence will be unexcused.
Please note that late arrivals and early pickups also result in missed instructional time for the student, cause disruption for the entire class, and are counted as part of the student’s total absences. If these are a result of a medical appointment, please send or bring your doctor’s note to Ms. Gaby Nava-Hernandez in the front office.
Children should be kept home from school when they have a fever, are vomiting, or have been instructed by a physician not to attend school. Please consult with our health office if you have any questions about whether your child is well enough to attend school (Health Office: 720-424-3945).
If you have any questions about Colorado attendance law, Southmoor attendance policies, or need assistance regarding student attendance/engagement, please call the Southmoor main office at 720-424-3930. Thank you!
Your Southmoor Attendance Team,
Jackie Person, School Psychologist & Elena Saenz, Restorative Practices Coordinator