Southmoor Elementary

Southmoor Specials Teachers Introduction to the 2024-2025 school year

10/21/24, 8:24 AM

Hello, my name is Tyler Crippen. I am very happy to be returning for my 5th year of teaching PE at Southmoor and my 26th year overall of teaching in DPS. The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time to see all our returning students and meet the many new students that are now calling Southmoor home as well. 


I’m excited for the great things planned for PE this year. We have a new unit every three weeks since students come to PE (and Art and Music) for a whole week at a time and we have three Specials classes to rotate through. I love to see students trying their best, working hard, learning from their mistakes and having fun moving their bodies in PE. Please have your students wear athletic shoes for PE class and clothes that are athletic or easy to move in as well. Please let me know if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your student and PE.  I am looking forward to an amazing year with your students.


I can be found on the back blacktop near the playground in the morning from 7:50-8:00, watching the 2nd graders, if you need to find me before school. I can also be reached at (not a typo, there’s no “n” at the end of my email name).


-Mr. Crippen


Hello families! My name is Erin Sharp and I am Southmoor's long-term music sub. I joined the team this year and am delighted to spend this time with your students. My degree is in music education and my main instrument is the violin. I taught music at Aurora Public Schools for 9 years before working outside of education. I have a 2nd and 4th grader here at Southmoor and am excited to be part of the Southmoor community now as a teacher. 


I hope to instill in all students a love and appreciation for music through movement, active listening, playing instruments, theory and history. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at In the mornings, I am by the kindergarten entrance on Peach St. 

Thank you for your trust, support, and partnership! 

-Ms. Sharp 



Hello, my name is Heather Witsoe. I am the visual arts teacher here at Southmoor. This is my fifth year here at Southmoor.  The art studio is choice-based - where artists can choose materials and themes they wish to work on.  We will also do a few pieces of WOW art to bring home each term. Artists this year will be working on having a growth mindset and problem-solving through creativity. They will explore, create, and reflect on who they are as artists and where their art has a place in the world.


I have enjoyed seeing all the returning students and especially love meeting our new students and families. I am in the teacher's parking lot in the mornings if you need to connect with me.  I can be reached at

Excited for a fun and creative year!

-Ms. Witsoe