Scholastic Book Fair - Coming Soon! 11/11 - 11/14
10/24/24, 9:04 AM
Book Fair Dates: November 11 - 14
Book Fair Hours:
– Children-Only: Preview on 11/7 - 11/8 (no purchases);
Purchases: During their library hours 11/11 - 11/14 & 11/15
– Families: 11/11 - 11/14: 3:15 - 7:00 p.m.
Book Fair Website:
Volunteer Background Check:
(If a good deed code is needed it is: e9x8to9)
Due to the positive feedback we received last year, the event will once again be held during Fall Conferences during evening hours to accommodate our busy families. So, if you are looking to pick up a few books on the sly for Christmas or want to enjoy a little extra family time perusing the new titles, this could be your perfect opportunity! Additionally, we will have coloring stations in the hallway near the library where you can temporarily drop your child/children while you attend conferences.
Of course, this is contingent upon our ability to get volunteers, so find the Signup Genius and background check links above! We currently have ~3 hr. time slots, but we can accommodate your schedule if needed. One note: you will need to pass a quick background check (using the link above) before arriving to your shift, but it will allow you access for any future Southmoor volunteer efforts for a full school year.
Finally, we have all of the teachers' eWallets created to simplify the process. The link for their eWallets is listed above, along with the link for the Scholastic Book Fair itself, where you can set up an eWallet for your student as well (just scroll down a bit to find the link).
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Berry at 303.564.0364. See you at Southmoor's Book Fair!