Second Day of Dismissal

08/17/23, 12:02 PM

Second Day of Dismissal


Thank you all for being so patient with us while we all get to the new system! Usually, after everyone follows the guidance from our staff during the school year our dismissal car line finishes at 4:00PM. For the first day of dismissal we were only 20 minutes past 4, and yesterday we all cut the dismissal time by 10 minutes! The car line was completely done by 4:10PM.

Here are some things to think about that caused the delays.

· Please make sure you have downloaded the CurbSmart Parent App, and reach out for any errors before dismissal. Trying to download it in the moment makes the internet slow and can cause the system to go down. If you have any problems with downloading or setting up your account please email Derek at .

· Some families are checking in too early. Please wait until your car is in between the buildings od Rocky Mountain Prep and SOAR. When you check in beforehand, your student is released from class to meet you and you are not here! This can be unsafe and your student will be sent back to class. Please ONLY check in when you are in the designated area.

· Some families entered Walden from Green Valley Ranch. This directly blocks our car line exit and if cars cannot exit, cars cannot enter. Cars who are trying to turn left into the parking lot will be redirected to the end of the car line starting on Yampa.