SOAR's New Principal

05/23/24, 11:47 AM

SOAR New Principal

Maria Burdine

Dear SOAR Staff and Families,

I am delighted to inform you that the Board of Directors of SOAR Elementary School has appointed Maria Burdine as SOAR's next principal.  She begins her duties on July 15th and you will all get a chance to meet and work with her soon and get to know her well.

Maria comes to us with 26 years of experience as an urban educator and leader focused on creating inclusive, supportive and rigorous classrooms and schools for all learners.  She has spent many years working at the elementary level as well as with middle and high schools.  She has particular expertise supporting educators in meeting the needs of multi-lingual learners and using restorative discipline practices.  

The Board chose Maria because she is so strongly aligned with the Vision and values of SOAR and has the knowledge, skills, experience and presence to help us be the very best we can be.

On behalf of the Board I want to thank all the staff, students and families who participated in the selection process.  Your work was so important in helping us reach this decision.

I want to thank Kate Bergles for her dedicated leadership over the last four years.  Her work at SOAR began as the pandemic completely transformed schooling and living and she has worked tirelessly to help us through and beyond those challenges.  We wish her the very best as she retires from a long and successful career.

I hope each of you - staff, students, family members -  has a wonderful summer break and returns to SOAR rested and eager to begin the next stage in SOAR's journey to becoming the extraordinary school community we all want to be part of.


Rona Wilensky

Board President



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