Action Required: SOAR Dismissal Plan

08/06/24, 8:55 AM

SOAR Dismissal Plan

Required for Every Student


A clear and consistent dismissal plan is essential for student safety. Please click here to complete and submit your child's dismissal plan. 

Your child's dismissal plan is due by 4:00 PM on Wednesday, August 7th. If you have not completed please do it as soon as possible.   

A couple of key points for a successful dismissal:

  • Bus Schedules: Click here to see the bus schedules and stop locations. Please be aware that Green Line 18 will not arrive at SOAR until 7:38 am. To ensure your child has a proper start to their day, please make sure they have breakfast at home, as the cafeteria will close breakfast service at 7:30 am.
  • Emergency changes to the dismissal plan can only be completed through the SOAR APP - Reach Well no later than noon the day of. Click here for instructions on where to complete an emergency change. 

Questions about dismissal can be directed to school office staff at (720) 287-5100.

Thank you.

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