School Morning at SOAR | Reminders!

08/14/24, 9:19 AM

School Mornings at SOAR



We are beyond thrilled to welcome all of our families back for another amazing school year.

Our kids are getting settled into their routines and engaging in their learning! A strong start in the morning is essential for all students!


Important reminders for arrival:

7:10 AM: Cafeteria opens for breakfast

7:25 AM: Breakfast ends and students enter the school building

7:40 AM: Teaching starts


Morning Protocol:

Breakfast is free for all students!

Students who arrive at or after 7:25 AM will not have school breakfast.

The school office is not open during student arrival. Office staff are supporting students getting to class.

The school office opens at 7:40 AM.

Students who arrive at 7:40 AM or later are tardy and will need to be walked into the office by an adult, and signed-in.


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