New SOAR Dismissal Instructions

08/17/24, 12:02 PM

SOAR Dismissal Instructions

Effective Monday, August 19, 2024


As previously mentioned, we assessed the challenges with our app. driven dismissal process. We determined that a change was needed! Please partner with us to make dismissal a safe and positive experience for our school community by closely following the instructions listed below. You should expect arrival and dismissal to take a little longer as we continue to adjust and refine our new system. We anticipate a 15-20 minute process once routines have been solidified. Please contact our school office if you have questions at (720) 287-5100.

Dismissal (please read carefully)

  • Students will be dismissed according to the instructions provided by parents on the dismissal form turned in at registration. Any change from the in-place dismissal plan must be communicated to the front office by noon of the same day. It will only be changes in cases of an emergency.
  • All students will be walked outside by their classroom teacher promptly at 2:40 PM.
  • Traffic staff will pair students with their cars in the car lane.
  • Students will only be dismissed from the curb in the car lane.
  • If you are walking onto the campus, please sign your child out with their classroom teacher.
  • Students will not be released for early pick-up after 2:15 PM. In addition, parents/guardians/visitors will not be allowed to enter the building after 2:15 PM. Office will re-open from 2:40 to 3:30 PM.

Classes will be lined up outside for dismissal as follows:

  • Kindergarten, 1st -2nd grade will be outside the SOAR main entrance.
  • 3rd- 5th grade will be lined-up by class, in front of the Student Union Building 1.

School Bus

  • Students riding the bus are supervised in bus lines by SOAR staff.

If your student is going to take the bus; they are required to take the bus 5-days a week. We cannot change plans daily. This results in confusion and reduces safety.






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