SOAR Dismissal Procedures

08/27/24, 8:56 AM

SOAR Dismissal Procedures

Every Minute Counts 


Dear SOAR Families,

Our school day ends at exactly 2:40 PM. Our dismissal starts at 2:40 pm outside and ends at 3 PM. It is extremely important that our students are picked up on time. Please plan to be here at 2:40 PM so that you can get your student in that window of time while you are in your car.

Important Times:

  • 2:40 PM: Dismissal-All car riding students are brought outside to the front of the SOAR building; they wait with their teachers.
  • 3:00 PM: SOAR staff takes all students, who have not been picked up, inside to the main office to wait for their parents/guardians. If you do not pick up your student(s) by 3:00 pm, you must come into the office to sign out your student(s).
  • At 3 pm, our office staff will call parents/guardians of students who have not been picked up.

Thank you for understanding the importance of picking your students up on time.

Please contact me if you have questions about SOAR’s dismissal procedures.

Thank you,

Rosalind Gullatt

SOAR Assistant Principal  


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